Friday, November 5, 2010

She is amazing!

As some of you know Sylvia is my dearest friend,
and she always surprises me with the most fantastic
mini gifts!!!!!

Look what she sent me, a basket filled
with wool and knitting needles...isn't that cute?
She also sent me all kinds of pieces fabric, I will
use them to fill a cupboard in my Provence house.

But there was much more, she knitted me a
hat and scarf....WAUW! Sylvia realy amaze
me everytime, she is so clever and can make
anything she puts in her mind!

And how nice does it look, with the duffle
coat Lissette made me!!!!

It is just so adorable!



  1. Happy you. What for wonderful minis!

  2. Schitterend, vooral de jas met muts en sjaal staat heel leuk bij elkaar.

  3. Echt heel erg mooi gemaakt!!! En de combi van het gebreide spul met de mooie jas is inderdaad schitterend! Lief van Sylvia!

  4. Ik ben gek op Noorse patroon. De muts is gaaf en sjaal hoort natuurlijk bij en ook al past perfect samen met een duffle coat.

  5. Om te koesteren....
    Niet alleen deze mooie maaksels maar ook deze lieve vriendin....
    Fijn weekend

  6. Sylvia is a wonder, really do know everything, and you are very lucky to be her friend!
    kisses, Caterina

  7. Oh WOW!! Your right, the hat and scarf look amazing with your new coat:)

  8. Son unos regalos preciosso! enhorabuena por esa amistad tan preciada!

  9. Olá Sabiha!
    Quanto tempo sem poder observar tanta coisa bonita!!
    Passei um bom período cheio de encomendas e com o prazo de entrega bastante reduzido, por este motivo andei um pouco afastado do Blog mas, agora, estou voltando e visitando todos os maus amigos!!
    Que presente maravilhoso da Sylvia, ela realmente é uma grande mestra !!!
    Grande abraço

  10. Es ist schön liebe Freunde zu haben. Das Strickset ist wirklich sehr hübsch... und passt zum Mantel als wenn es dazu gehört!!!

    Liebe Grüße PuNo/Monika

  11. That is really amazing - to get that tiny pattern knitted into the hat - it's a lovely gift!

  12. Sylvia is incredible and i wonder how she managed to do it with her sore eyes. Minihugs Rosanna

  13. Unos regalos maravillosos. Tu amiga un tesoro.
    Besos Clara

  14. :-)
    I love these manifestations of friendship!
    The basket is beautiful!!!
    Mini hugs, Flora

  15. Someone is ready for winter...
    The hat is wonderful, and perfect with the dufflecoat. I love them.

  16. Wow that hat must have been difficult to make with such a tiny pattern, Sylvia is very talented and they go perfectly with the dufflecoat.

  17. Sylvia's fingers are like magic. It's always a treat to see the special things she makes.

