I did not wanted to keep you waiting to long,
so here is a little sneek preview to what I'm
up to at the moment!
I am working on a kitchen garden!
It is very small and there will be growing herbs
and greens to use for prepairing delicious dishes.
There will be a garden with flowers too, but that
have to wait for the next time.
If some of you can remeber I worked on a little shet
with garden, but I sold the whole thing,because it wasn't
at 1;12 scale. I have sold it without the minies and now
I'm so glad I can use the beautiful minies again.
This time it is going to stay!
This gate was my firts present from Mercedes!
It was the lid of a wired box, and I'm so happy
that I finaly can use it just for the right project.
The box I have transformed into a henhouse, and
it will be used in an other part of the garden.
This little water scene I also made for the
other garden, I just had to put it out of the box
where it was hidden in...like all the other stuff.
The birdhouses were also a gift from my friend

As you can see there is still a lot of work to
be done. It needs much more details, the
little bricks are to clean etc, etc.
I have to make the greens and herbs,
and I need to buy some potting soil to fill up
the empty space at the floor.
But for now it has to wait until an other time!
I first want to finish the little toilet....