Casey from: http://caseymini.blogspot.com/
Daisy from: http://miniaturasdaisy.blogspot.com/
KC-design from: http://kc-design-kc.blogspot.com/
Genevieve from: http://genevieveminiacollection.blogspot.com/
Bego from: http://justalittlepush.blogspot.com/
I hope I did not forget anyone?
It was award time in Blogland! Thank you for all
bloggers who past me an award, it is always een
great honor to receive one!
Because I find it hard to choose between all the
great blogs here in Blogland, I decided to give
everyone an award who follows my blog and to
the ones I follow.
Since I have started blogging I have met such wonderful
blogfriend! I received a couple off awards and I have to admit
that I did not always follow the rules by passing them on.....
so I hope I make it up to you with giving them away all at once!
I would also like to give you this award! I always enjoy your blog very much!